Moore Rotary preparing for spring 2025!
Moore Rotary preparing for spring 2025!
Moore Rotary supports Family Night at the Library.
Moore Rotary donates balloon sculpture.
Wednesdays at Moore RotaryThe summer of 2024 has been eventful with the Rotary Club of Moore. We have had numerous guests, new members join, and wonderful presenters. Thank you to our presenters: Phil Clark and Vona Karnt, Pioneer Library System, Lisa Thomas, South Central CASA of OK; Ron and Carole Motley, Santa Fe Place; Angie Hendricks, Bentley Hedges Travel, Richie Splitt, Norman Regional Health System, and Saidy Herrera, Oklahoma Historical Society. Be our guest on Wednesdays at noon to catch our next presenters!
Moore Rotary Club completes Service Project.![]() ![]() The Moore Rotary Club application for a district grant submitted in 2023 was selected. After months of planning, ordered, and preparing sites to display American flags, the club was finally ready to install the first set outside of the Moore Chamber of Commerce. The Moore Rotary Club decided the purpose of the grant proposal and the club president, Carla Krueger, prepared and submitted the grant to be reviewed by a committee with Rotary District 5770. The grant included the purchase of American flags to be proudly displayed in select areas around the City of Moore. The timeline for the project began last year to include site selection and approval from the City of Moore. It took time to research appropriate sites, the proper way to display and remove the flags, and where to order the flags. Each member of the Moore Rotary Club took part in some aspect of this project. After some production delays, the American flags finally arrived. Members were excited and showed up to place the first flags out by the Moore Chamber of Commerce. A partnership with a local Boy Scout group will assist in displaying the flags during future American holidays. |
2024-2025 President Elect namedThe Rotary Club of Moore has elected the 2024-2025 President. Aleta Wheelbarger accepted the nomination and was unanimously elected by the club. Aleta is the co-founder of Moore Monthly which has been a news staple in the Moore community for over 15 years. We look forward to her stewardship in 2024-2025.
1040i Efforts on a worldwide scale
Buck$ 4 BikesBuck$ 4 Bikes
Russia & Ukraine
What's up with Wristworld
Lunch with our Senior CitizensWe had a great lunch with our senior citizens at the Brand Center. It is always great to sit still and listen. There are many stories to be told and friends to make. We look forward to going back. The Brand Center was built in 1994 and since then has been providing a meeting place for local senior citizens. They have activities of all kinds and Monday through Friday lunches. The Brand Center also serves those that are home bound with their meals on wheels program. The Senior Shuttle bus is also managed through the Brand Center. It provides rides for seniors within the city limits of Moore. Stay tuned for their annual Beans and Cornbread dinner fundraiser.
Infant Crisis Services![]() At our July 26th meeting, we hosted Miki Farris and Tim Brennan from Infant Crisis Services. Infant Crisis Services began in 1984 as a Sunday school class and has now grown to be an impactful organization serving 23 counties in Oklahoma. In 2022, ICS helped feed and diaper 21,036 babies and toddlers - 8,964 of those were served by the BabyMobile at 54 different locations in those 23 counties. The BabyMobile has allowed them to increase their outreach. The BabyMobile comes to Moore once a month to the Cleveland County Health Department at 4th and Eastern. Clients can receive services up to 4 times a year from birth until the baby's fourth birthday. In their 2023 fiscal year, they have served 234 babies and toddlers in Moore alone. To learn more about Infant Crisis Services and ways you can help, click here. |
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children![]() Our presenter for our July 19th meeting was Brent Parsons, the Director of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, Oklahoma City. Parsons gave us some history of how the Homes have evolved over the years and how the Oklahoma City location has evolved to be a family-focused campus. Their goal is to help families become productive and more self-sufficient by providing a safe, stable and nurturing place to live while equipping, assisting and teaching important skills that support both the mother and the children. The 2022 impact includes serving 153 children on OBHC campuses, 2,956 through the Hope Pregnancy Center and so much more. If you would like to learn more about the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, click here.
2023-24 Moore Rotary PresidentNew year. New President. We want to take a moment to welcome our New President for 2023-24, Carla Krueger. Krueger was inducted at the April District 5770 Conference at the Oklahoma Weather Center. This year's theme is "Creating Hope in the World" through seven areas of focus: Peace and Conflict; Prevention/Resolution; Disease Prevention and Treatment; Water and Sanitation; Maternal and Child Health; Basic Education and Literacy; Economic and Community Development; and the Environment. It will be an exciting year - YOU SHOULD JOIN US! She is married and has two sons and a daughter-in-law. Both of her boys grew up in the Moore Public School system, so she has a real heart for the schools and the Moore Community. Carla has been in the world of education for over thirty years and currently teaches in the psychology program at Southwestern Christian University. She is very excited about this upcoming year and is looking forward to working with the Moore Rotary Club trying to make a positive impact on the community. (Pictured: Carla Krueger with District 5770 Governor Patty Swink)
Distrtict 5770 ConferenceThe new Moore Rotary President, Ana Guerrero was inducted during the District 5770 Rotary Conference in Norman. Clubs from the district attended to learn about the programs and resources offered through Rotary at the district and international level. During the lunch program all incoming club presidents were recognized by 2022-23 District Governor, Connie Eckstein, and received their pin. Next year's theme will be Imagine Rotary. ![]() |
Fill the Bus 2021Volunteers needed to help Fill the Bus. We need you on Friday July 23 and July 30 to help collect school supplies for Moore Public Schools. Our goal is to help Moore Involved fill a school bus from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Walmart Super Center on 19th Street. ![]() |
Sooner Rotary Fundraiser![]() |
Moore Rotarian visits Rotary club in AbidjanBrent Wheelbarger is embraced with excitement from the Rotary Club of Abidjan in hopes of a partnership to bring to life the 1040i school project. Before Brent left, our club filmed a greeting in a 360 video style and it was received well from our new friends in Africa. Michel Cousineau and Brent joined in a meal with some Rotarians and interviewed the mayor of Tanda.
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Fill the Gap, Moore Rotary Grants distributed.Moore Rotary provided 15 grants to local small businesses. ![]() The Moore Rotary Club feels privileged to have partnered with Rotary District 5770 and the Moore Club membership to support a Gap Grants program to meet needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The not-for-profit organizations and small, local businesses that received Rotary Gap Grants are as follows:
All of these continue to serve our community and need the support of the public. The Moore Rotary Club and our partner in this effort, the Moore Chamber of Commerce, pledge to seek opportunities to support our local community organizations and businesses. When you are out shopping for goods and services, remember to shop locally. |
District 5770 Membership in Rotary VideoMoore Rotary seeking members who want to make a difference in the community!
Register Today! Taking Rotary by Storm![]() The 2020 Virtual Summit is what we used to call our “Zone Institute”. It is designed to let Rotarians share information, build connections, and exchange ideas about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. Our 2020 Virtual Summit will start at 8:00 a.m. (Central Standard Time) on Saturday, October 10 th and will wrap up at 3:30 p.m. when the last breakout sessions conclude. The entire event is online, so you’ll incur no travel, lodging, or food costs. In the morning, we’ll get updates on our final push to end Polio, timely thoughts on diversity, an energetic pitch on “Do Goodery”, and learn how to be better leaders in times of crisis and disaster. For first-timers, there will be quick overviews of Rotary’s Membership, Public Image, and Rotary Foundation initiatives. Afternoon breakouts will engage you with in-depth discussions about our new Area of Focus, Supporting the Environment, Grant ideas for your club or district, engaging younger members, continuity in planning from year-to-year, public speaking, and more. There is no registration fee, so be sure to invite others in our club and district to join you in attending. If you can do so safely, you and others may want to get together in one place to watch on a big-screen TV, where you can also enjoy each other’s company. We look forward to seeing you virtually on October 10, 2020. |
2020 Moore Rotary Scholarship RecipientsThree high school seniors receive scholarshipThis was another year of tough decisions. The club has the tough decision to select just one outstanding senior from each high school in Moore. During the year each high school had a senior student attend a Moore Rotary lunch meeting each month to talk about their accomplishments, future goals, and volunteer service. The students selected for the 2020 Moore Rotary Scholarship are representative of our motto "Service Above Self". Read more about these amazing students. ![]() Kalan, served in a leadership role as the Reporter for Moore FFA. As a leader she demonstrated how much she cared about the organization and the people involved. Kalan extended her passion for helping others by getting involved with Special Olympics to help out as much as she could. One of her best experiences was attending the Make Promises Happen camp because it was centered around community service and supporting students with special needs. Her plans are to continue her education to become an occupational therapist, study ASL and have her own practice one day. ![]() Jackeline has a creative talent as a videographer. In Digital Media Production class she had a hand in filming and editing many memorable school events. When she wasn't at Southmoore High School events she was leading an academic organization, ACTNow. Through the organization she founded, she has supported south Oklahoma City high school students with ACT prep, college applications, and scholarship essays every week. She also served as a teacher's assistant at Oakridge Elementary School. Jackeline believes a good leader should act with purpose and consider the well-being of their community. She has been admitted into the President's Community Scholars program at the University of Oklahoma. She aspires to become an elementary school teacher so she can give back to her community and allow students of color to feel represented in education. Jackeline is truly a person of action. ![]() Landon stated "A leader that doesn't promote themselves but rather builds up the people around them are the greatest of leaders." He followed through by example. Landon was very active as the captain of the swim team, student council Senator, FCA officer, National Honor Society member, Native American Club member and participated in numerous leadership programs at the school and district level. His community involvement includes work with the Regional Food Bank, Moore Love Campaign, Stop Hunger Now and being on the sound team for St. Andrews United Methodist Church. Landon has verbally committed to swim for the University of Saint Mary in Kansas. He will be a member of Jayhawk ROTC and serve as an officer in the National Guard. His degree will be in education and hopefully come back to teach in Moore Public Schools one day. |
Tammy Vaughan meets Rotary on ZoomTammy Vaughan met with Moore Rotary Club via Zoom to provide an update about The Brand Center. Although COVID-19 has restricted social contact with regular visitors, they have found ways to continue connecting and supporting seniors citizens in the Moore community. Tammy was happy to share an update about the work of Aging Services and the Brand Center. She praised the efforts of Barbara Dillard to continue working to offer meals every day of the week. They have been averaging about 800 more meals than normal, adding up close to 7900 meals. Right now they are still offering anyone over the age of 60, free meal delivery. A pantry is also available. Tammy stressed how grateful they have been to all the supporters and volunteers. They have had about 17 new volunteers assist every day. Every Monday they spend time preparing for the volunteers so they can make deliveries. They have also continued to make daily calls and wellness checks. It is incredible how much support has been given during this time, especially from OG&E, MPS, and several churches in the area. Moore Rotary Club has committed to providing gas gift cards for the volunteer drivers to use. They hope to be able to open the middle of June to slowly start offering additional services. If you are interested in helping out, Tammy has requested donations of individual snack items and masks. She can be reached at 321-3200. |
MNTC Student of the Month- FebruaryThe student of the month for February is Elijah Haynes. He is an adult student in the Carpentry Program at Moore Norman Technology Center. ![]() |
Moore Rotary Meeting- MNTC- Student of the MonthJoin us this Wednesday, January 15th as we recognize the Student of the Month from Moore Norman Technology Center for the months of December and January! Our Guest will be Terri Helvey, Executive Director of Instruction, from MNTC. December Student of the Month: Julio Valdez Moore High School
January Student of the Month: Kayla Grover Adult Student Graphic Design
Welcome Enola!Late on Saturday, August 11, 2018, our club was at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City to welcome our Youth Exchange student from France to the United States. We look forward to sharing this journey with her, as she embarks on the best year of her life. Welcome, Enola! ![]() ![]() |
Donations Doubled to Feed Children in Moore!Food is the most essential school supply, yet one in four children in Moore faces hunger. You can help!
New Business Memberships Create New Opportunities![]() You’re a business owner wanting to be involved in the community, help with philanthropic initiatives and generally give back. You’re also seeking the same opportunities for your employees. The Rotary Club of Moore Business Membership is a way to do both, while avoiding onerous time obligations on your busy schedule.
We Need Your Help!We will have an inbound student (likely from France) joining our community for the 2017-18 school year. We have a spot temporarily earmarked for the student at Westmoore High School and we will need 3-4 host families to house them for 3 months each.
First Ever Rotary After Hours!Join the five Rotary clubs in Cleveland County: Norman Noon, Sooner, Cross Timbers, Legacy, and Moore for an evening of fellowship and networking in the first ever Rotary After Hours!
Cleveland County Aging Services Teams with Rotary to Bridge Funding GapsCleveland County Aging Services Teams with Rotary to Bridge Funding Gaps
And two people will be going on a cruise as a result!
Cleveland County Aging Services is working with the Moore and Cross Timbers Rotary Clubs to raise funds for senior services. To accomplish this, the two Rotary Clubs are holding a raffle for a $2,500 cruise voucher for two.
Rockin' for Education 2017Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, and Michael Jackson are coming together for one night only to benefit the Education Services Committee! This fun-filled evening of music and laughter will be held at the Yellow Rose Theater on Thursday, February 23, 2017 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. featuring a variety show with songs that span the decades. In addition to wonderful entertainment there will be chances to win rockin’ prizes. Proceeds from the night’s event will benefit the projects of the Moore Rotary Club’s Education Services Committee. |
Rockin' for Education 2016Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, and Michael Jackson are coming together for one night only to benefit the Education Services Committee! This fun-filled evening of music and laughter will be held at the Yellow Rose Theater on Thursday, February 25, 2016 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. featuring a variety show with songs that span the decades. In addition to wonderful entertainment there will be a live auction and chances to win rockin’ prizes. Proceeds from the night’s event will benefit the projects of the Moore Rotary Club’s Education Services Committee. |
Happy Birthday, Rotary International!Time to Celebrate! As the 111th Anniversary of Rotary on 23 February approaches, I hope you will take the opportunity to spend the evening with some of your Rotary friends, men and women, to talk about Rotary, particularly the Foundation as it prepares for its centennial year in 2016-17. |
Question of the weekWhy do clocks run clockwise?
Quote of the Week - Who Said It?We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.
Thought for the Week - Who Said It?An optimist is the human personification of spring.
Mark Your Calendars!Here you can post little tidbits of information, reminders, or anything else!
Integrated eBulletin for Easier Communication![]() ClubRunner makes it easy to publish your weekly Club eBulletin, and send to all members and friends of the club, by incorporating home page stories and events with the push of a button.
Security and Integrity of Your Data![]() ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, you can rest assured that your club data is safe and protected. Your members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.
Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site. |
Welcome to our new website! |