Happy Birthday, Rotary International!
Time to Celebrate!
As the 111th Anniversary of Rotary on 23 February approaches, I hope you will take the opportunity to spend the evening with some of your Rotary friends, men and women, to talk about Rotary, particularly the Foundation as it prepares for its centennial year in 2016-17.
Time to Celebrate!
As the 111th Anniversary of Rotary on 23 February approaches, I hope you will take the opportunity to spend the evening with some of your Rotary friends, men and women, to talk about Rotary, particularly the Foundation as it prepares for its centennial year in 2016-17. The anniversary falls on a Tuesday this year, and as Tuesday nights are normally not heavily booked for social activities, there are many ways to celebrate. In today’s world, our chats about Rotary may be held online through social media avenues or in person in homes, restaurants, or pubs. I encourage Rotarians around the world to commemorate both the birthday of Rotary and the 100th Anniversary of The Rotary Foundation by inviting some Rotary friends to join together in fellowship and service for conversations about the organization.
--Ray Klinginsmith
Foundation Trustee Chair
from “The Rotarian” Feb. 2016